She faced a hate storm after reporting – made a documentary about her online haters

Last minute The world stood up after Putins decision in

After the radio segment about the migrants, an alternative site wrote an article in which Hedvig Holgersson was described as an asylum activist and SD hater. The site had retrieved old likes from Facebook from when she followed parties and organizations on the left at the age of 18, something she distances herself from as a journalist today. The article led to Hedvig Holgersson receiving angry comments and messages on social media and via email.

– I feel like it’s not fun, says Hedvig Holgersson.

Looked up the haters

At first she was scared and angry, then curious – who were the people writing behind the screen? So she contacted the authors using handwritten letters and phone calls.

Hear Hedvig Holgersson talk about the work with the documentary and what it’s like to face your internet haters in the video.
