She carried it in her belly for years! Exactly 10 kilos… She wouldn’t have noticed if she hadn’t gone to the hospital with a stomach ache

She carried it in her belly for years Exactly 10

Living in Adana and married for 24 years, GD underwent various treatments for 20 years to have children. GD, who does not have children, also experienced abdominal pain and bloating during this period. GD, who came to a private hospital in Diyarbakır upon recommendation to find a solution to her pain and to have children, was diagnosed with a large mass in her abdomen during her examinations. GD underwent surgery and had a mass weighing 10 kilos and measuring 30 centimeters in diameter removed from her abdomen. GD, who regained her health with the operation, will be discharged after her treatment.


The head of the team performing the operation, Obstetrics and Gynaecology Specialist Op. Dr. Fuat Zaman, said, “Our patient came to us with complaints of excessive abdominal distension, abdominal enlargement, excessive bleeding and inability to have children. While performing an ultrasound, we detected a large mass measuring 30 centimetres and weighing 10 kilograms, completely filling the patient’s abdomen. We evaluated this as a myoma.

We recommended surgery to the patient. Because it was a mass that completely covered the uterus and abdomen. We performed the surgery, and our surgery was successful. The patient is currently in bed. Since she is old and has a desire for children, we will take a hysterosalpingogram in 1-2 months when the patient recovers and perform pediatric treatment.

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The patient’s general health condition is very good now, he is mobile and his eating and drinking are normal. Such patients have long-term complaints. But when excessive bleeding, weakness and abdominal swelling increase, they are forced to come.

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“This was also a slightly delayed case. He has been married for 24 years and has had these complaints for 20 years. At first, it was not noticed or taken seriously. When the complaints increased and reached the final stage, the patient came to us,” he said.

This content was published by Nilgün Akbıyık
