She bought a farm she had never seen the inside of – for six million

When a farm in Floda was forcibly sold by the district court, Tova Sundström saw her chance.
She bought it for six million kroner – without having seen the inside or a floor plan.
– On Friday, we will see if it will be renovation or moving in immediately, she says in Efter fems Sverigesvepet.

From time to time, homes appear with the headline: “Forced sales via the district court”. Often, for example, it can be about a couple who have divorced and cannot agree on what to do with the house. Then the district court can step in and decide that the home should be sold.

When just such a farm in Floda was forcibly sold by the district court, the broker first tried to sell it via Hemnet, but no bids were received. Then Tova Sundström, who lives outside Gothenburg, saw her chance and blind bought the farm for six million kroner together with her boyfriend.

We really wanted to have a farm in the area, close to Gothenburg and cycling distance to the train. They rarely come out, so we wanted to strike, she says in Efter fem.

This is what they know about the house

They haven’t seen any pictures of the inside or a floor plan.

– We have seen a bit from a distance, we have seen the picture from the outside and have seen this white wooden house. There is a barn, woods and pasture. We don’t know that much more.

What awaits on the inside remains to be seen.

– We have bought the farm on these premises, it is completely exonerated. Then we think it will be in pretty good condition, but you still don’t know for sure. So it will be exciting. We will see if it will be renovation or moving in immediately.

On Friday, they get the keys.

– Then we will go there directly in the morning, open the door and see the house for the first time.

Tova will be in Sweden’s Sweep on Friday’s After Five on December 8 with an update on how it looks on the inside.

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