sharp increase in electricity prices for certain consumers

sharp increase in electricity prices for certain consumers

The price of electricity will triple for the richest consumers, while the government seeks to replenish its coffers by all means, in the midst of an economic crisis. This sharp increase will only affect a small portion of consumers, but it is causing concern and indignation, as more and more Nigerians struggle to feed themselves.

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The increase in electricity tariffs is expected to affect about 15% of registered customers in the country according to the Nigeria Electricity Regulatory Commission (NERC). They will have to pay 225 naira for 1 kilowatt-hour compared to 68 naira until then, an increase of 240%.

This sharp increase will only affect consumers benefiting from at least 20 hours of electricity per day, according to the regulatory agency. A rarity in Nigeria, where the electricity network, in poor condition, has collapsed 46 times in six years. And already twice since the start of this year.

The authorities rightly believe that increasing electricity prices for the richest will contribute to financing infrastructure. But several civil society organizations denounced a decision “ abrupt ” And “ insensitive “.

Consumers are also very worried: in reality, the price of electricity has already increased significantly over the last three years in Nigeria, and for everyone. A few days ago, the authorities also recorded an increase in the base price of natural gas in the country.
