Shareable chat folders and more for Telegram

Shareable chat folders and more for Telegram

One of the most used instant messaging applications in the world Telegram Shareable chat folders and more have arrived.

Telegram, first of all, here’s a summary about their new update. passed: “This update allows users to share entire chat folders with a single link, create custom wallpapers for individual chats, use web apps in any chat, and more.” The firm here “Shareable Chat Folders” and gives the following details about it: “Chat folders can now be shared with a link that invites friends or colleagues to dozens of workgroups, news channel collections and more. People who get the link add the folder with one tap and instantly join all the chats of the folder. Each chat folder supports multiple invite links that provide access to different chats. When creating a link, select the conversations you want to include and give it a unique name such as Interns or Managers. If you add more chats to your folder and update the link, members will see suggestions to join new chats.”


With the new update, you can turn your favorite photos and color combinations into special wallpapers in certain chats to add extra personality to the conversations and make them stand out. Explaining that they have also made improvements in the bot system, the company said, within the scope of the update. “The attachment menu now scrolls at super fast speeds just like Shared Media. Pull down the date bar for time travel.” also gives information. Making some touches on the interface Telegramis getting more advanced every day.
