Shaman dies permanent death – Blows himself up despite being so careful

A shaman has now experienced the most bitter death in WoW Classic HC. He just wanted to reload his beloved weapon.

In World of Warcraft Classic Hardcore, most players proceed much more cautiously. This is only logical, because each character only has one life. Anyone who makes a mistake here can throw their hero in the trash – forever. Because there are no revivals and all that remains is to create a new character.

But even the most cautious style of play cannot protect against ignorance. Because reloading a weapon can lead to instant death, as one Reddit user painfully reports.

What happened to the shaman? In the WoW Classic subreddit, user Nastrin talks about the unexpected death of his shaman at level 49. He emphasizes that he always planned carefully and with foresight.

I always play super safe, all the time. I only had a close moment at level 14.

Every time I get over 150 ms [Latenz] then I log out and play a different character. Every time I run out of target dummies, I go back and get more, no matter how inconvenient that may be. I always healed completely before every fight. I read everything on wowhead when something made me skeptical. Goblin Rocket Boots say in the text that they have a chance to explode, so I checked specifically to make sure it’s not fatal.

However, one item that does not have this reference in the description is the Goblin Mortar.

What kind of object is this? The Goblin Mortar is an engineering item often used to do a little more damage. However, the mortar only has 6 shots, after which it must be reloaded.

What the game doesn’t reveal, however, is that charging the mortar is dangerous and can fail. Then the character explodes and is almost certainly dead instantly. This is exactly what happened to Nastrin:

I died reloading my goblin mortar. I think that’s the worst way to die. I would have preferred to have a disconnect in a fight because then I would at least feel like I missed any warning signs like high latency. […]

Reloading a Goblin Mortar doesn’t give away (unless you already know) that it can be dangerous. In fact, I’ve probably reloaded it ten times and haven’t had any problems so far.

An older clip shortly after the launch of the original WoW Classic shows how the mortar can fail:

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This is how the community reacts: In the corresponding article, the incident is received with compassion, but also a little amusement. Captain_Saftey says:

  • “Of course there is danger, it’s right in the name: “Goblin””
  • Others also agree with this view, such as Billalone:

  • “You say that as a joke, but honestly, it’s a legitimate pattern and one can expect it without prior knowledge.”
  • But most people seem happy to now be informed about the dangers of the Goblin Mortar. This is another item on the WoW Classic Hardcore list that every character should stay away from.

    Have you ever had an unexpected death? Or are you still brave on the way to level 60?
