Shakira gets custody of her children, at what price?

Shakira gets custody of her children at what price

In the stormy and ultra-media divorce between Shakira and Gerard Piqué, the singer has just obtained custody of their children. A guard that is dear to him, against which the footballer has negotiated financial conditions that are surprising to say the least.

The divorce between Shakira and footballer Gerard Pique never ceases to make the front page of the tabloids in Spain. “We regret to confirm that we are separating. For the well-being of our children, which is our top priority, we ask for your privacy. Thank you for your understanding“, specified the couple in a press release almost two months ago. Since the official announcement of their separation which has created a real shock, the Spaniards have since been passionate about the soap opera of this disenchantment. Last twist, the battle of the couple for custody of their children, Sasha, 7, and Milan, 9.

Under what conditions did Shakira obtain custody of her children?

To leave the custody of their children to the superstar, the footballer demanded financial conditions that were surprising to say the least. To accept that the interpreter of Waka Waka leaves Spain and settles in Miami with Sasha and Milan, the defender of Barça asked the singer to take part the payment of one of his debts, up to 20%, equivalent to nearly two million euros. The singer did not balk at it, even though she was prosecuted for tax evasion in Spain. The custody of her children having no price, she also conceded to her ex covering five trips per yearin first class, so he could visit the boys.

Shakira and her children Sasha and Milan © Splash News/ABACA

How will the Spaniards interpret these strange financial conditions, when they have taken up the cause from the start for the singer? No one, across the Pyrenees, forgives the many infidelities of Gerard Piqué at the origin of their break-up, and surprisingly, this story of adultery even managed to bring fans of rival clubs Madrid and Barcelona to agreement. During the last clasico which took place on July 24, all the supporters of the stadium, regardless of their side, chanted Shakira’s name every time Pique touched the ball!
