Shahid lost his disabled-friendly home in the fire in Bredäng

Syed Shahid Abbas has had prosthetic legs since a motorcycle accident in 1996, which made evacuation more difficult. His prosthesis got stuck in the window when rescue workers were trying to help him out of the sixth floor.

The family can no longer live in their disabled-friendly apartment and must instead live temporarily with their daughter. Seven people share a two-room apartment that is not adapted to Shahid’s special needs.

– It is very difficult for me, I need help with a new apartment as soon as possible, he told SVT two days after the fire.

Investigation is in place

The fire is said to have started on the fourth floor and then spread upwards in the building, which has a total of seven floors. Syed Shahid Abbas does not currently know when he will be able to move back into his apartment.

What caused the fire is unclear. The police have started a preliminary investigation into public negligence.
