On paper, the International Arts Campus (IAC) project seems eminently attractive: to allow thousands of students from all over the world to practice and perfect their art (dance, design, cinema, etc.) in a extraordinary, historic buildings located in the grounds of the Château de Fontainebleau (Seine-et-Marne), on the edge of the forest. With, moreover, the satisfaction of saving part of the French heritage which urgently needs work, which neither the State nor the Domain have the means to pay. But on October 13, the Court of Auditors made public a very critical opinion on the project and raised many doubts.
In this four-page document, the finding is of a rare severity. There was “lack of support from the public establishment by its supervisory ministry”; “the project suffers from insufficient instruction which raises doubts about its viability”. Finally, “many gray areas (..) were not resolved when the Establishment and its supervision decided to enter into exclusive negotiations with the IAC consortium: opacity of the shareholding of this consortium, fragility the business plan based on agreements with three universities, two of which are Chinese, (…), complexity of the method of financing”. The conclusion, in the form of a “single recommendation”, is clear: “In view of the developments since 2020, carry out an in-depth expertise of the viability of the project”.
On the side of the leaders of the IAC company, they say they do not understand the report of the Court of Auditors. Through the voice of Marc-Antoine Cesetti, its president, we point out two factual errors in the opinion – including one on the nationality of the partner establishments – and we are determined to continue. We also say we are “very attentive” to the rumors circulating and to those who peddle them, without wanting to say more. On the side of the Ministry of Culture, we are much more cautious. In its answer to the Court – obligatory in this kind of procedure –, Rima Abdul Malak specifies that “concerning the IAC model whose shareholding and business plan the Court questions, I confirm the great vigilance of my services and the public establishment to these questions.” The minister adds, about the “robustness” of the economic model: “This is still the subject of reservations on the part of the ministry and the establishment”. The carriers of the project want to see there only a normal prudence of the State. However, on closer inspection, their “international art cluster campus” raises questions on many aspects.
Eleven buildings classified as historical monuments but degraded
To understand, you have to go back to the origin. We are in 2014. A major renovation and revival plan for the Château de Fontainebleau has been devised. This is to significantly increase the number of visitors and to restore the royal residence. But the public domain also includes the “quartier des héronnières”, the former royal stables dating from Louis XV, classified as historical monuments since 2008. Abandoned for many years, these 11 buildings have not been integrated into the project. initial, the castle having neither the use nor the means of their rehabilitation or their maintenance. Decision is made to seek a private partner. To facilitate the operation – at the time, the restoration was estimated at thirty million euros – it was decided to add adjacent land, the Clos des ébats. The advantage? This plot is not classified and can be the subject of a real estate transaction.
A first call for ideas is launched, followed by a formal call for projects. We are talking about luxury hotels on the model of paradors in Spain, we talk about culture, education, social, sports activities related to the forest. In May 2019, four candidates formalized an offer. Many are real estate or tourism heavyweights. In October 2020, the Ministry of Culture announced, through Roselyne Bachelot, that the SAS International Art Campus (IAC) project had been selected. In the historic district of Héronnières, the company wants to set up its campus. On the other part, the Clos des ébats, it provides for the construction of 800 student accommodation. It estimates the investment at 87 million euros and ultimately hopes to welcome 10,000 students per year for varying periods, including 3,000 simultaneously in the premises.
Model of the project with, on the left, the historic buildings and, on the right, the student residences and their green roofs.
Axonometry/International Arts Campus
Very quickly, the project intrigues. Because if a well-known Belgian architect – Francis Metzger – and a well-established real estate developer appear in the consortium which defends the project, the shareholders of the company have never been associated with operations of this magnitude. Marc-Antoine Cesetti presents himself as a Brussels lobbyist. The director of IAC is Donald Potard, founder and former chairman of the Jean-Paul Gaultier group, the other shareholders work in “advertising, public relations or publishing” or “urban planning and strategy consulting”… to Philippe Douste-Blazy, the former Minister of Culture and Foreign Affairs, he was contacted via a friend by the team in search of personalities to give credibility to his project. He is featured in the presentation video. But joined by the Express, he admits having never been asked again outside of this video and a single meeting with local elected officials in December 2020.
Which schools? What turnover? Confidential.
However, given the ambition of the founders, to become a “cluster” equivalent to “Saclay or Silicon Valley” (according to Marc-Antoine Cesetti) by attracting between 15 and 20 international schools on campus, it is necessary to have strong networks and a strong image. For the moment, only three establishments appear officially: the Collège de Paris, a group of private schools, the World University of Design in India, created in 2018, and the Beijing contemporary arts and media Education group. Others would have given their agreement, but we do not know which ones. Confidential. And for how many students? Confidential, again, it is just said that the contingents may vary depending on the reputation of the school. Another mystery, the proposed offer. These are not courses recognized by the Ministry of Higher Education. They may also be of variable duration. Here again, it is difficult to obtain more details. “We are not another art school. We are in a creative ecosystem so that students can work together. Our role is to welcome schools, create synergies and organize events “, explains Marc-Antoine Cesetti.
However, the economic balance of the project depends on the answer to all these questions. Of the 87 million euros of investment required, 40% will come from fees paid by the property developer and advances paid by the schools and 60% from a 15-year loan provided by a banking pool. The main thing therefore depends on the ability to attract schools and students in sufficient numbers to cover the operating costs of the place and repay the loan. And this while the State has revised upwards the fee it asks for the lease. Fixed at 100,000 euros per year for five years, then at 120,000 euros for the following 65 years, it will finally be 150,000 euros in the long term after a new evaluation of the Domains. When asked about turnover forecasts, Marc-Antoine Cesetti said he no longer remembered, promised to come back with the answer, without following up.
A lack of transparency that ended up casting doubt among some local elected officials. In particular, at Frédéric Valletoux, mayor of Fontainebleau until 2022, now deputy (Horizons) of Seine-et-Marne. “At the start, I thought it was good. Then I had doubts about the editing and I never had any clarifications,” he regrets. Is there not behind the desire to recover vacant land nearby to increase the real estate operation and make the assembly very profitable? “I am surprised that a project of this magnitude is carried out in such secrecy, adds Julien Gondard, who took over from Frédéric Valletoux at the town hall. It should be the subject of regular meetings and transparency .” Among the defenders of the project, we do not want to see in these criticisms that simple local political quarrels, in particular with the community of agglomeration which, it, says ready to speak transport, housing and town planning as of the signature of the project. The recent report of the Court of Auditors has however come to give additional weight to the questions.
A signature by the end of 2022?
According to Marc-Antoine Cesetti, the contracts and agreements could be signed in the coming weeks, by the end of 2022. It must be said that there is urgency. In a letter addressed to a local elected official in June 2021, the Ministry of Culture indicated that the campus had to open its doors “in January 2025” to preserve its economic balance. In the minutes of the extraordinary general meeting of IAC dated April 2021, it is also mentioned that “the Company must deal with multiple invoices and that consequently, while awaiting the payments of the contract with Pitch Promotion, which should take place in the summer of 2022, it is essential to carry out a capital increase”. At the time, the signing of the contract was scheduled for July 2021.
On the side of the Ministry of Culture, no timetable is confirmed. In her response to the Court of Auditors, Rima Abdul Malak indicates that “no firm and contractual commitment has been made with the prospective winner”. But rue de Valois, we also know that if the project fails, it will be necessary to look for a new investor ready to tackle this vast project. Or finance the renovation of Les Héronnières without having the means. Which way will the scales tip?