Sex education: the state sued

Sex education the state sued

Family planning, Sidaction and SOS homophobia are taking the State to court to try to force it to apply its legal commitments in terms of sexuality education for students during their schooling.

“School case. The state is not doing its homework. Here is the title of the press release published on March 2, 2023, summarizing the legal action against the State by three associations: THE Family planningSidaction and SOS homophobia. For the three associations, involved in the promotion of sexual and reproductive health, the fight against gender violence and against LGBTIphobic discrimination, the state did not fully and fully implement the 2001 law relating to the sexuality education (SE) of pupils, throughout their education. So they decided to sue him.

What does the 2001 law on sexuality education in schools say?

Since 2001, according to the Education Code, all students must benefit from sexuality education throughout their schooling, with at least three annual meetings. “Either between 27 and 36 sessionsaccording to the duration of schooling”, states the press release. However, it is the duty of the State to guarantee and organize this education in sexuality, adapted to the age and level of education of each pupil. On the program: fight against HIV.AIDS, promotion of sexual and reproductive health, fight against gender violence and LGBTIphobic discrimination.

Only 15% of young people benefited from more than 6 sessions

However, in reality, we seem very far from the thirty sessions provided. In effect, “the public policies deployed in terms of sexuality education are very insufficient, and have been for more than two decades”, denounce the associations. Today, only 15% of people aged 15 to 24 say they have had more than 6 ES (sex education) sessions throughout their schooling and 17% have never received any. Even the principals concerned are complaining about it. Thus, 84% of young people aged 15 to 24 find that the number of ES sessions at school is not sufficient today and 79% find that ES at school would make it possible to complete education sexuality provided by the parents.

Three mandatory annual sessions

Faced with the failures and promises of the governments, the three associations sent a formal notice on October 21, 2022 to the Minister of National Education and Youth. Pap Ndiaye. If the latter responded on January 3, 2023, he could not guarantee the establishment of three compulsory annual meetingsas specified in the Education Code : “Information and education on sexuality are provided in schools, colleges and high schools at the rate of at least three annual sessions and by homogeneous age groups. These sessions present an egalitarian vision of relations between women and men.

Why is educating young people about sexuality essential?

As the press release reminds us, the shortcomings of the State in terms of sex education not only have repercussions for associations, but also, of course, at the individual and societal level. The extent, severity and frequency of sexual violence are constant, even increasing in France. “The numbers are alarming, as is the33% increase in sexual violence in 2021reports the press release.

“The sexuality education of young people is one of the crucial axes of prevention, both individually and collectively.”

Also, according to the president of SOS homophobia, Lucile Jomat, “theAwareness is the cornerstone for a more inclusive society. Sexuality education for young people is one of the crucial axes of prevention, both individually and collectively..” Besides, 88% of 15 to 24 year olds recognize that appropriate sex education would have improved the start of their affective and sexual life. Similarly, as revealed by the president of Family Planning, Sarah Durocher “cach year, the Planning teams are forced to refuse to intervene in establishments due to a lack of resources. Each time, these are missed opportunities to fight against violence and gender discrimination, to prevent early pregnancies and STIs, to promote equality and teach respect for consent.“.

Finally, for the Director General of SidactionFlorence Thune: “There is an urgent need to act in the face of the progression of false beliefs about the modes of transmission of HIV and in view of the growing proportion of young people discovering their HIV status each year. But to make this prevention effective, it is also and above all necessary to speak of respect for others and for oneself, of well-being and consent and of course, of sexuality in its most global expression.
