Severe migraine: patients wait on average 7 years before having the correct diagnosis

Severe migraine patients wait on average 7 years before having

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    On International Migraine Awareness Day, discover the underestimated impact of severe migraine. This form still suffers from a diagnostic delay even though it can really ruin patients’ lives.

    A true neurological disease, migraine affects more than 10 million French people. It is now considered the leading cause of chronic disability in people under 50. A. the origin of this pain, an abnormal excitability of the neurons of the brain to a banal stimulation will trigger a cascade of events which will lead to a migraine attack.

    Severe migraine: a form of migraine in its own right

    We speak of migraine, according to the criteria of the French Society for the Study of Migraines and Headaches (SFEMC) in any patient having 8 or more days of migraine per month or in any patient having less than 8 days per month associated with an impact major impact on daily life, and/or having clearly disabling crises. Within this form, we distinguish chronic migraine which affects 1 to 2% of the general population in France.

    This disease has a major impact on the people who suffer from it, whether physically but also mentally, socially and professionally. In addition to absenteeism from work, these crises can lead to sleep disorders or impact the ability to care for children. Finally, more than 48% of patients suffer from anxiety and more than 73% suffer from depression.

    A disease that is still poorly perceived and poorly adapted care

    Today, 80% of people suffering from migraine are not regularly monitored for this disease. According to a survey of The Voice of Migraine Sufferers, it takes on average more than 7 years before receiving the correct diagnosis, after having seen an average of 3 health professionals. Once diagnosed, patients may face medical wandering before finding the right doctor and treatment.

    Severe migraine sufferers also still too often face misunderstanding from those around them and also in the professional environment, even though severe migraine has a significant impact on patients’ daily lives. In fact, 13% of severe migraine sufferers find themselves unemployed because of their illness, mainly due to the reluctance of employers to hire or keep people with migraine in work.

    A campaign to raise awareness of severe migraine

    Faced with this observation, La Voix des Migraineux and Lundbeck wanted to bring together neurologists, patients and artists to, together, co-create an awareness campaign for severe migraine.

    Countryside “FIGHTING MIGRAINE IS AN ART” will offer videos, images as well as artistic works related to severe migraine and the daily lives of patients who suffer from it.
