Severe drought in Italy – harvests are lost

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The river Po is Italy’s longest river and acts as a conduit for agricultural production in the fertile northern parts of the country. The river helps irrigate rice fields and agricultural land, but also pastures for cows – some whose milk is used to make the famous Parmesan cheese Parmigiano-Reggiano.

Read the water levels in 70 years

But due to a lack of snow last winter and an exceptionally hot and dry spring, the Po river has been hit by severe drought. The river’s water levels have not been this low in 70 years and farmers testify that the flow is so weak that seawater seeps into the country and destroys their crops.

– There is talk that these raw materials are lacking, such as wheat in particular. And the longer it continues, the more will be missing, says farmer Claudio Bocarelli in Tuscany.

Announced emergency in five regions

The low water levels have led the Italian government to declare a state of emergency in five northern regions: Friuli-Venezia Guila, Veneto, Emilia-Romagna, Lombardy and Piedmont. In some cities in the north, such as Verona, restrictions have been introduced to limit residents’ water consumption.

In a first step, the government has earmarked EUR 3.5 million in a crisis fund, equivalent to SEK 392 million, to assist those affected by the water shortage.

Half as much rain as normal

According to the national research council CHR, Italy’s equivalent of SMHI, compared to the last 30 years, only half as much rain has fallen in the country than normal.

– In normal cases, we felt the drought at the end of August or September. If there is already no water, what will it be like in September, Claduio Bocrelli wonders.

See how the drought affects the Italian farmer Claudio Bocarelli in the clip above.
