Several younger EU candidates want to legalize cannabis

When EU parliamentarian Sara Skyttedal, then representative of KD, now Folklistan, suggested a couple of years ago that Sweden should legalize cannabis, it led to strong protests. All Swedish parliamentary parties are completely against us going that route and last year Sweden tightened the penalties for the sale of cannabis.

Only one of Östergötland’s candidates who wants to legalize

When we go through how the parties’ candidates answered in SVT’s Valkompass to the question of whether cannabis should become legal, only five percent of the politicians think it is a good proposal. One of them is Elsie Gisslegård from Norrköping, who is in place 8 on the Center Party’s ballot.

Hear how she reasons in the clip above.

They have mostly cannabis-positive candidates

The Center Party and the Liberals have the most candidates who answer positively to the question of legalizing cannabis. Of the candidates in the parties who have not turned 30, a majority think that it is a good proposal to make cannabis legal within the EU. Elsie Gisslegård (C) says it is a generational issue.

– When I go to schools and talk about the decriminalization of cannabis, a lot of young people agree, but the teachers panic.
