Several vehicles in accident outside Norrköping – one to hospital

The alarm about the accident on road 209 outside Norrköping came just before 7pm on Monday evening.

According to the police, a car has collided with a car which then collided with a truck. The truck crew must have been left lying in the ditch after the accident.

– The first collision must have been a simpler collision where the vehicles touched when they met. That driver is unharmed, says Marcus Anefur.

The driver of the car that collided with the truck was taken to hospital by ambulance. The extent of the damage is unclear.

Risk of diesel leakage

The road has had to be closed in connection with the rescue work. Initially, there was also a risk of leakage from the diesel tanks on the truck.

The police have started a preliminary investigation regarding negligence in traffic in order to investigate the accident and the sequence of events.

– There are many who have traveled on this road when the accident occurred. We have conducted a number of interviews with witnesses, says Marcus Anefur.

Both the car and the truck have been impounded.
