Several threats against school and preschool in Mora today – children were kept indoors

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At the preschool, the police were called to the scene who made the assessment that there was no danger or cause for concern, but they remained at the scene to show security with their presence.

Guardians were informed

Mora municipality published a press release about this, after the guardians were first informed via the preschool app
– There were, of course, some parents who became worried and came to pick up their children, says Mora municipality’s head of school Inga-Lena Spansk.

The police arrested and detained a person suspected of the threat, but they do not want to say what the threat consisted of.

Elementary school was also threatened

The elementary school in Färnäs also received what was perceived as a threat during the day, but neither the municipality nor the police want to say whether it is assumed to be the same perpetrator as in the threat against the preschool.

After dialogue with the police, Färnäs school will be kept open on Thursday, but the municipality is preparing extra support efforts so that the students and staff feel safe.
