Several steps closer to the giant establishment in Långsele – detailed plan ready

Leksand extended the winning streak beat AIK

The energy crisis, the war in Ukraine and the sharp price increases have sent worrying signals about the future of the project, not least the enormous losses suffered by the energy giant Uniper during the year.

Today, Hans Pahlin, project manager for Hamre, says that they have “contact on a daily basis with Uniper”, which has now been taken over by the German state, and there are no plans other than that it is precisely Uniper to negotiate with.

SkyFuelH2 is the name of the project and the idea is that Uniper together with South African Sasol will start producing green aviation fuel in the factory in Hamre in 2026.

Now the municipality is also ready with its new detailed plan for Hamre, a foundation for being able to continue working.

How many jobs will there be from this? Yes, the factory itself will need around 100 employees, but with peripheral effects, Hans Pahlin estimates that it is quite reasonable that it would generate around 700 jobs.
