Several shots were fired at a residence in a residential area in Huddinge

Police have not found anyone injured, and an operation is underway with multiple resources, including dog patrols. No perpetrator has yet been arrested. At least one person was in the residence at the time of the shooting.

– We have an ongoing operation where we are looking for the culprits. Door knocking is in progress and the site is cordoned off for a technical investigation. We are investigating connections to previous violent crimes and looking at the motive image, including possible gang connections, says an Anna Westberg police spokesperson.

More than one shot was fired

More than one shot has been fired and traces have been found at the scene confirming this. A preliminary investigation into serious weapons crime and attempted murder has been launched. The police carry out door knocking in the area.

Shootings have occurred in the area in the past, but not recently.

The text is updated.
