Several politicians drop out of candidacy after Expressen’s review

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In the report “Power is next”, the research company Acta publica has mapped connections between politicians and the criminal motorbike environment.

In this year’s election, 64 people with documented connections to the criminal motorbike environment are running, according to the report.

38 of the 64 politicians are running for SD. The Social Democrats (9) and the Christian Democrats (7) are the parties with the most candidates after that.

Eight drop out

After the connections were noticed by Expressen and Acta publicas, eight of the 64 candidates now choose to drop out.

In several cases, these are connections to the Hell’s Angels. A politician, who, among other things, participated in an anniversary party for the well-known motorcycle gang, has chosen to leave all current positions of trust and drop out of his candidacy.

The list also includes a person who currently sits on the municipal council and is also the chairman of the municipal real estate company. He announces that he is leaving his current positions of trust with immediate effect.

A politician who for several years has been a member of a motorcycle club that is part of a network that also includes criminal motorcycle clubs has chosen to drop out of his candidacy for the Riksdag.
