several deputies turn their backs on Moïse Katumbi after his presidential candidacy

several deputies turn their backs on Moise Katumbi after his

After the announcement of his candidacy for the presidential election of December 2023, Moïse Katumbi saw many deputies from his party turn their backs on him. The latter reaffirmed their loyalty to the current head of state, Felix Tshisekedi.

Moïse Katumbi has officially declared his candidacy in the Congolese presidential election of 2023. The former governor presented his ambitions on Tuesday, December 20 to members of his party in Lubumbashi. Leaving the presidential majority, the former governor had not hidden the possibility of seeing some of his lieutenants refuse to follow him in opposition. He was not wrong because around 30 deputies, out of 69, who until then had claimed his allegiance decided to turn their backs on him and remain faithful to Felix Tshisekedi.

Certain victory in the 2023 election”

On Wednesday, they made a statement to that effect. “Through this declaration, we reiterate our membership of the Union Sacrée de la Nation and testify our loyalty to the President of the Republic, Head of State, His Excellency Mr. Félix Antoine Tshisekedi Tshilombo, and reassure him of our indescribable support for his actions until certain victory in the 2023 election, read the spokesperson for the occasion, MP Mulamba Mputu. We take note of the departure of Mr. Moïse Katumbi and demand within 24 hours a clarification of the position of all members of our platform: deputies, senators, ministers and other leaders of public institutions”.

On the side of Moïse Katumbi, we relativize since the present legislature comes to an end in 2023.

The record of President Félix Tshisekedi, who succeeded Joseph Kabila in January 2019 after a controversial election, is “ very bad, chaotic “, declared on RFI and France 24 the former governor (2007-2015) of Katanga (south-east), a few days ago.
