Several dead after truck crashes into bar


  • Several dead after truck crashes into bar

    About ten people have died after a truck drove into a bar in the Dominican Republic, according to local media.

    The crash happened early in the morning in the town of Azua, about ten miles west of the capital, Santo Domingo.

    Over 30 people were injured, several of them very seriously. The exact death toll has not yet been determined.

    According to local media, the truck was filled with avocado fruits.

    The driver fled the scene, but a fellow passenger has been arrested by the police, who are investigating the incident.


  • Boys struck by lightning remain in hospital
  • Man stabbed – woman arrested

    Photo: Aftonbladet

    A police operation is currently underway in Hässelby in western Stockholm.

    According to Aftonbladet’s information, a man has been stabbed in a residence. The extent of his injuries is unclear, but the man has been taken to hospital.

    A woman is said to have been arrested on suspicion of the crime.

    The man and woman know each other, according to information to Aftonbladet.

    Aftonbladet is looking for the Stockholm police.

  • Canoeist missing – search operation ends

    The search operation has ended for the 65-year-old Norwegian man who disappeared during a canoe trip on Övre Hågåsjön in Älvdalen in Dalarna, which P4 Dalarna was the first to report on.

    – Unfortunately, we do not believe that this person is alive, therefore we are ending the rescue operation, says Peter Persson, officer on duty at the police to TT.

    The last contact with the man was on Monday. On Saturday, his canoe was found upside down by a police helicopter.

    Since the find, the police have searched for the man together with mountain rescuers and search dogs in the terrain described as very difficult.

    – We have been carrying out extensive searches both in water and in the forest as well as with helicopters and unfortunately have not found anyone, says Peter Persson.

    It is still unclear what happened.

  • Israeli attack on school building

    At least eleven people have been killed in an Israeli attack that was said to have targeted a group of police officers in a school building in Gaza on Sunday, according to information from the Strip.

    From the Israeli side, it is said that they hit a command center for terrorist-labeled Hamas.

    – Eleven people, including a woman and a girl, were killed when an Israeli airstrike hit the Safad School in Gaza City, where refugees have taken shelter, says Mahmud Bassal, spokesman for the Gaza Civil Defense.

    He adds that several others were also injured.

    “The IAF (Israeli Air Force) encountered Hamas terrorists working in a command and control center inside the area that previously served as the Safad School in Gaza City,” the military said in a statement.

  • “Dawson’s Creek” star dead

    “Dawson’s Creek” star Obi Ndefo is dead.

    This is reported by Dagbladet.

    The death is confirmed by the actor’s sister.

    Ndefo turned 51 years old.

  • Three children went to E4: They are not left

    Several motorists have called the police after seeing children walking along the E4 at the Vagnhärad intersection in the direction of Norrköping.

    – There are three children who are estimated to be around ten years old, we are on our way there with cars, says the police spokesperson in the East region.

    An hour later, the police were on the scene and found no children on the road.

    – Most likely they have gone off the road, it usually happens that way, says the police spokesperson.

  • AFD largest party in German state elections

    Björn Höcke, top candidate in Thuringia. Photo: Michael Kappeler / AP

    The far-right Alternative for Germany party, ADF, looks set to become the largest party in the German state of Thuringia after Sunday’s state election. This is according to the polling station survey that was presented at 6 p.m.

    The party received just over 33 percent, which is an increase of ten percentage points since the 2019 election.

    If the forecast is correct, it will be the first time since the Second World War that an extreme right-wing party becomes the largest in a German state election, writes TT.

    The party is also advancing in Saxony, which also went to the polls on Sunday. It is very even between AFD and the Christian Democratic CDU. The CDU, on the other hand, appears to be leading – with 32 percent, along with the AFD’s 31.5 percent, according to Welt.

  • Car overturned – two to hospital

    Just before 5 p.m., there was an alarm about a traffic accident on national highway 31 outside Vetlanda.

    – There are two passenger cars that have collided and three people have been affected, says the management operator of the rescue service.

    One of the cars must have overturned and is lying on its side.

    All the people were able to get out of the cars themselves, and two have been taken to hospital. The extent of the damage is unclear.

  • Man drowned in Sundsvall – arrested released

    Four people, suspected of murdering a wheelchair-bound man in Sundsvall, have been released. Archive image. Photo: Oscar Olsson/TT

    The four people who were arrested on suspicion of murdering a wheelchair-bound 75-year-old man in Sundsvall have been released, Sundsvalls Tidning reports.

    – They are still relevant in the investigation, but the suspicions have weakened, says Anja Steiber, press spokesperson at the Public Prosecutor’s Office to the newspaper.

    It was on Friday that a man died after he ended up in the water. The suspects, three men and one woman between the ages of 45 and 60, were at the scene at the time of the incident and were later arrested.

    The people were first arrested on probable cause on suspicion of murder, but the degree of suspicion was then lowered to reasonable suspicion before they were released.

    No other person is detained in the case and the investigation continues.

  • General strike in Israel – the airport is closed

    Demonstrations in Jerusalem on Monday. Photo: Mahmoud Illean / AP

    Israel’s largest trade union, Histadrut, announces a general strike throughout the country starting Monday, writes Haaretz. This is to put pressure on the government to get the Israeli hostages freed.

    – We get body bags instead of an agreement. I have come to the conclusion that only our efforts can affect those who need to be affected, says Histradut chairman Arnon Bar-David, according to the Times of Israel.

    Ben Gurion International Airport is one of the workplaces that will be closed on Monday.

    Many businesses, including restaurants and movie theaters, are also already closing on Sunday evening in protest against the government’s handling of the hostage crisis.

    Several municipalities, including Tel Aviv, are supporting the protest by canceling public meetings and allowing employees to participate in the planned demonstrations.

    The escalated mood comes after the news that six more hostages were found dead in Gaza on Monday.

  • Russia with new nuclear weapons notice

    Russia is making changes to its nuclear weapons doctrine.

    This is what the country’s Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov says to the Russian state-controlled news agency Paw.

    It is unclear what the changes entail. But Ryabkov says that they are being done in response to “the West’s actions regarding the military special operation.”

    “The military special operation” is how Russia usually calls the war in Ukraine.

    No time frame has been set for the changes in the nuclear doctrine.

    – The time frame for its completion is a rather complicated issue, given that we are talking about the most important aspect of our national security, Ryabkov says.

  • Forced to amputate penis – incident reported

    IVO, The Inspectorate for Care and Care. Photo: Stina Stjernkvist/TT

    A man in Gothenburg who sought help for problems with the foreskin was forced to amputate his penis after the cancer diagnosis took almost three years.

    The incident is now reported according to lex Maria to Ivo, the Inspectorate for Care and Care, as a serious health care injury, reports GP..

    When the man had an annual check-up in 2020, he told about his problems and asked for a referral. But the referral was then sent to the wrong care recipient.

    When the mistake was discovered and a new referral was to be sent, the doctor forgot to send it.

    After seeing four different doctors, a referral was sent to the urologist who determined that the man had penile cancer, and his penis needed to be amputated.

  • Person taken to hospital after drowning alarm

    The rescue service and ambulance have been called to a lake in Norrtälje after a drowning alarm.

    An affected person was on land but has been taken to hospital by ambulance helicopter.

    The person’s injury status is unclear.

  • 17 found dead after Russian helicopter crash

    Another Russian helicopter of the MI-8 model. Archive image. Photo: Dmitri Lovetsky/AP/TT

    The bodies of 17 people have been found after a helicopter crash on the Kamchatka Peninsula in eastern Russia.

    The Mi-8 model helicopter disappeared shortly after it took off on Saturday with 19 tourists and three crew members on board.

    The wreckage was found on Sunday morning not far from where the helicopter disappeared from radar.

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