Several dead after train and bus collide in Slovakia | News in brief

Several dead after train and bus collide in Slovakia

The accident that killed at least six people happened after five o’clock in the afternoon local time. Rescue authorities estimate that the death toll may still rise.

Roni Kuronen,

Kai Jääskeläinen

27.6. 20:34•Updated 1:59

At least six people have died and at least as many have been injured in a collision between a bus and a passenger train in Slovakia. There were more than a hundred passengers on board the train at the time of the accident. However, all the dead are said to have been passengers of the bus.

Rescue authorities estimate that the death toll may still rise.

The train was traveling from the Czech capital Prague to the Hungarian capital Budapest. Due to the accident, traffic has been suspended on the track section in question.

The accident site is located near the town of Nové Zámky in the southern part of Slovakia. Video images released from the scene show that the train’s locomotive caught fire as a result of the collision.

Source: AP, AFP
