Several dead after extensive rain in Seoul

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The widespread rain began on Monday and is the worst to hit the South Korean capital region in 80 years. With more than 100 millimeters of rain per hour, the stormwater systems have been overloaded and the rain has turned streets in the Gangnam district into rivers. The masses of water drown cars and push public transport to breaking point. Power outages were reported from various parts of the region during Monday evening.

Three of the victims are said to have died in an apartment in a basement floor when the water levels suddenly began to rise. One of the dead was a teenager, according to local media.

More rain is expected

President Yoon Suk-Yeo has ordered the evacuation of hundreds of residents in high-risk areas, and businesses have been asked to be flexible about working hours on Tuesday.

Rescue workers toiled in Seoul overnight Tuesday. The subway, which had to be partially closed on Monday, has been able to reopen, but around 80 roads and tens of parking spaces are still closed. More rain is also expected during Tuesday.
