Several convicted criminals among Folklistan’s candidates

The newly formed party Folklistan goes to the polls with an open list for the EU elections. This means that anyone is free to register their interest as a candidate with the Electoral Authority.

– I understand that many people think it’s a bit scary and think that pretty much anyone with strong support can get in. And yes, that is the definition of democracy, says Jan Emanuel at Tuesday’s press conference.

EU elections 2024

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  • On Tuesday afternoon, just under 40 people have registered as candidates for Folklistan. Among the names are several people who have previously been sentenced to prison, SVT’s review shows.

    Money laundering and drunk driving

    One of the candidates is heavily in debt and has been sentenced to prison on two occasions for aggravated drunk driving, with the latest sentence being from 2022.

    Another person, who also has large debts, has several convictions behind him. Including for theft. On one of the occasions, the person was sentenced to prison for theft and drug offences.

    Another candidate on the list was sentenced a few years ago for money laundering to a suspended sentence and daily fines.

    This week it became clear that the former social democratic politician Jan Emanuel will be the top name of the Folklistan in the EU election, followed by Sara Skyttedal, who today sits as a political savage in the EU Parliament after being poked as the top name on the Christian Democrats’ EU list.

    On Tuesday, the duo presented the other top candidates. The party’s third name is Hans Palo, a social democrat from Övertorneå. He is followed by Amilia Stapelfeldt with a background in the Moderates, Peter Söderlund, who sat on the Green Party’s party board and helped start Kris (Kriminella’s revenge in society), and Håkan Wretsell, a municipal politician in Vellinge with a background in KD.
