Several assaults during the city festival this weekend

Several assaults during the city festival this weekend

Published: Less than 20 min ago

full screen The police describe this weekend’s city festival Piteå dances and smiles as messy. Archive image. Photo: Adam Wrafter/SvD/TT

Three rapes and as many sexual assaults. The police received several reports during the weekend city festival in Piteå, which the police describe as dark.

After meeting many people on the spot, the women’s shelter Lillasyster believes that the dark story is big, writes Piteå-Tidningen (PT).

The weekend city festival Piteå dances and smiles is summed up by the police as dark with a lot of drunkenness and several serious violent crimes.

Among other things, the police received three reports of rape and three reports of sexual harassment, two of which were against children.

The women’s emergency center Lillasyster states that they have spoken to girls and young women who have told that they have been subjected to sexual abuse, PT states.

– The youngest was 14 years old. She had been molested by a man in his 30s, says Tina Sandström, chairman of the Lillasyster women’s shelter, to the newspaper.

She explains that she is sad and upset – but not surprised by what has happened.

– There is probably a large underreporting as most abuses are not reported. This is another expression of men’s violence against women, that women cannot go to a festival and feel safe, she tells PT.

A total of 39 people were taken into custody for drunkenness, of which 11 were minors and handed over to social services and guardians.

Despite an effort on the part of the festival to keep more young people sober, it was very full of young people this year, which caused the festival general Fredrik Nilsson to react. He now wants to see greater responsibility from the guardians:

– Where are the parents? It makes me both angry and upset, he told PT, earlier this week.
