Several arrested for heavy explosion in Grimsta

Leksand extended the winning streak beat AIK

Two explosions occurred in Stockholm during the night – first a powerful one at a gate to a residential building in Grimsta, then a smaller one in Bagarmossen.

A total of five people have been arrested.

The police have arrested four people who are suspected of various crimes in connection with the incident in Grimsta in western Stockholm, they write on their website. One person has been arrested for the explosion in Bagarmossen.

– We do not go into what crimes they are suspected of. It is too early to say. But these are crimes in connection with the detonations. We also do not rule out that additional people are involved, says Daniel Wikdahl, press spokesperson at the Stockholm regional police.

The police do not rule out that the explosion in Grimsta may have a connection with the murder of a 20-year-old man in nearby Vällingby center on New Year’s Eve.
