seven dead including three children after Russian drone strikes in Kharkiv – L’Express

seven dead including three children after Russian drone strikes in

On Saturday February 10, seven people were killed, including three children, during nighttime Russian drone strikes on a gas station in Kharkiv, a town in eastern Ukraine, according to the region’s governor.

Information to remember

⇒ Seven dead including three children after Russian drone strikes in Kharkiv

⇒ NATO chief calls on Europeans to increase arms production

⇒ Biden and Scholz jointly lobby the US Congress

Seven dead including three children after Russian drone strikes in Kharkiv

Seven people were killed, including three children, on Saturday during nighttime Russian drone strikes on a gas station in Kharkiv, a town in eastern Ukraine, announced the region’s governor, Oleg Sinegoubov. “Unfortunately the death toll from the occupier’s attacks on Kharkiv rose to seven,” Oleg Sinegoubov said on the Telegram social network. “Among them are three children: a 7-year-old, a 4-year-old and a baby of around six months,” he added.

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The drones, Iranian-made Shaded, “hit a gas station and caused a spill of flaming fuel, which caused 14 private houses to burn,” said the city’s mayor Igor Terekhov, adding that the fire covered a large area and led to the evacuation of around fifty people.

NATO chief calls on Europeans to increase arms production

The NATO Secretary General called on Europeans to increase their arms production to increase deliveries to Ukraine and prevent a confrontation with Moscow “which could last decades”, in an interview on Saturday with the German press.

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Less than a week before the meeting of NATO defense ministers in Brussels on February 15 and 16, Jens Stoltenberg insisted: “we must rebuild and develop our industrial base more quickly, in order to increase deliveries to Ukraine and replenish our own stocks”, “this means moving from slow production in peacetime to rapid production in times of conflict”, Jens Stoltenberg told the German Sunday newspaper Welt am Sonntag.

Biden and Scholz jointly lobby the US Congress

US President Joe Biden and German Chancellor Olaf Scholz spoke with one voice on Friday to ask the US Congress to finally release new aid for Ukraine, but there is no sign that they will be heard.

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“The incapacity of the United States Congress to help Ukraine is almost criminal negligence. It is a scandal,” lambasted the 81-year-old Democrat, who for months has been asking for an additional $60 billion in order to resume military assistance, interrupted at the end of December. “If the American Congress does not manage to find a solution to release financial aid, then it is a real threat to the protection of Ukrainian territory,” warned his guest at the end of their discussion.

The new leader of the Ukrainian forces wants to “perfect” them for “victory”

“Perfect” the army to win the war: the day after his appointment as head of the Ukrainian forces, Oleksandr Syrsky set out a “clear” plan to repel the Russians, while German Chancellor Olaf Scholz urged the American Congress in Washington to release aid for Ukraine.

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“Only change and continuous improvement of the means and methods of warfare will allow us to succeed,” General Syrsky, the new commander-in-chief, said on Telegram. He was appointed Thursday in place of the very popular General Valery Zalouzhny, the Ukrainian presidency believing that a change was necessary after two years of war, while the front seemed frozen.

