SES 2024 baccalaureate subject: the test and the probable subjects

SES 2024 baccalaureate subject the test and the probable subjects

BAC SES TESTS 2024: On June 19 and 20, the SES specialty tests for the baccalaureate take place. What are the topics that will fall this year?

The main subject of the former Bac ES, economics and social sciences are now among the specialty courses. This year more than 130,000 students will be assessed on June 19 or 20, depending on their convocation date. There are therefore only a few days left for the 2024 baccalaureate candidates to finalize their revisions. This Wednesday or Thursday, they will be questioned on themes such as economic growth and international trade and they will not have the right to make mistakes because as with each specialty, the SES test alone accounts for 16% of the the final mark of the baccalaureate.

Students from mainland France and overseas have 4 hours to complete an essay or composition, based on a corpus. They will be expected in particular on their capacity for analysis, argumentation and reasoning. To continue preparing, annals as well as the subjects given to students of French high schools abroad are available below.

Are there any likely subjects?

Like every year, a few weeks before the start of the tests, several specialized sites offer predictions as to the subjects which will fall in June. This year is no exception. The real goal of this type of prediction is to guide students in their revisions, and to condition them with statements that they could find on the day of the test. It is unlikely that the subject matter of SES will correspond 100% to what these sites offer, but some themes may be more likely than others. For the SES specialty test of the 2024 baccalaureate, here are some ideas for subjects proposed by the site Digischool :

Most likely topics:

  • What are the sources and challenges of economic growth?
  • How is current French society structured?
  • How to fight unemployment?
  • How to explain financial crises and regulate the financial system?
  • What changes in work and employment?
  • What inequalities are compatible with social justice?

Probable topics:

  • What economic policies in the European framework?
  • What are the characteristics and factors of social mobility?
  • What action does the School have on individual destinies and the evolution of society?

Unlikely subjects:

  • What are the foundations of international trade and the internationalization of production?
  • How to explain political engagement in democratic societies?
  • What public action for the environment?

What are the SES subjects for the 2024 baccalaureate in foreign centers?

Like every year, students from French high schools abroad take the exams baccalaureate a few days before those in mainland France and overseas. Depending on the country, the tests differ because French high schools abroad are classified by group. The topics given to students from North America and Group 1 will not be identical to those that the other candidates will discover on June 19 and 20.

Day 1 :

Day 2:

The subjects of last year’s baccalaureate can be read in full on Linternaute thanks to our partner Studyrama. Among all the subjects, those in the economic and social sciences specialty can be discovered below. Note that two sessions of the test took place and that consequently two subjects were distributed to the candidates, one for each day of the test.

Last year’s SES topic #1:

Last year’s SES topic #2:

In addition to disseminating the subjects, Linternaute in partnership with Studyrama offers a correction of the subject with the main elements that could be introduced in its copy.

Answer key to last year’s SES topic #1:

Answer key to topic no. 2 of last year’s SES:

What are the themes of SES subjects in 2024?

No surprises this year in the 2024 subjects: all the exercises or dissertation subjects cover one or more themes seen and learned in class during the year. Above all, you must be meticulous about the way you articulate your argument and ensure that your answers are clear and complete. Be careful to manage your time well and above all not to neglect the proofreading time, which should be around 15 minutes.

This year, the Ministry of National Education has selected these themes, with very precise guidelines. Candidates for the 2024 baccalaureate will inevitably come across one of the following subjects, obviously developed differently and with a unique angle around these themes:

Around the theme of Sociology and political science:

  • The structures of current French society
  • Contemporary characteristics and factors of social mobility
  • Political engagement in democratic societies
  • The School’s action on individual destinies and the evolution of society
  • Changes in work and employment

Around the theme of Economic Science:

  • The sources and challenges of economic growth
  • The fight against unemployment
  • Financial crises and the financial system
  • The foundations of international trade and the internationalization of production
  • Economic policies in the European framework

Around the theme “Crossed perspectives”:

  • Public action for the environment
  • Inequalities and different conceptions of social justice

When will the SES 2024 results be released?

A priori, the results of the economic and social sciences specialty test will be available on July 8, 2024at the same time as the results of the other tests.
