SES 2024 baccalaureate subject: the day 1 test revealed this Wednesday, June 19

SES 2024 baccalaureate subject the day 1 test revealed this

BAC SES 2024 TESTS: This is the first day of the specialty tests, for many candidates it starts with the economic and social sciences test. The subject of the 2024 baccalaureate is revealed this Wednesday.

The essential

  • Candidates for the 2024 baccalaureate who have chosen the SES specialty will meet either today or tomorrow for the written test, from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m.
  • The SES subject of the first day of this 2024 baccalaureate session is available today, it can be found below, thanks to our partnership with Studyrama.
  • Another topic will be sent to students taking the test on June 20, it will also be available on this page.


15:01 – Already 1 hour of testing

The candidates have now been working on the SES subjects for an hour, at this stage they must have chosen between the essay and the composite test. For those who chose the dissertation, they must quickly prepare a draft before starting to write while for those who chose the composite test, we imagine that they must finish answering the question of “mobilization of knowledge”.

2:25 p.m. – What do students who don’t take the SES test do?

Some candidates are not affected by this SES test, however, since 2 p.m., they have also been in the exam room to take a test. The reason is simple, out of the 13 specialty courses, 10 are subject to a test today. For the other 3, the tests will begin Thursday or Friday, but the students concerned will certainly also take another specialty test today.

2:00 p.m. – The SES test has begun

The SES specialty test officially began this afternoon at 2 p.m. Candidates for the 2024 baccalaureate now have 4 hours to best respond to the subjects given to them.

13:50 – The third of the composite test is not an essay

Among the candidates who will take the SES exam for the baccalaureate, some who are not very inspired by the dissertation will choose to work on the composite test. The third part of this test is the densest; you must devote at least half of the test time to it. If the subject seems close to that of a dissertation, it is not treated in the same way. It does not require problematization as one would find in the dissertation. The “reasoning” question is organized in a series of paragraphs argued by the documents and your knowledge, the correctors do not ask the candidates to put in place parts and sub-parts. Remember that this exercise can be completed in 3 pages, the essay will require much more.

11:35 – How not to lose points stupidly

SES subjects are usually large files of around ten pages because they include numerous documents. Whether it is the dissertation or the composition test, candidates must be very careful to use these documents in their copies. Be careful not to only use the knowledge acquired in first and final year classes, you must think about using the data present in the documents.

Another point on which the correctors will be uncompromising is the ability to use specific economic and social vocabulary. This is also indicated in the topics. There is no question of popularizing one’s thoughts; one must remain technical and illustrate the development in a relevant way.

10:18 – Baccalaureate candidates take the SES test

Welcome to this news feed, intended to inform you on the subject of SES for the 2024 baccalaureate. Many final year students have chosen to take this specialty test and for some of them, the test takes place today today. Follow the posting of topics online here, as well as our comments and corrections.

Learn more

Like every year, students from French high schools abroad take the exams baccalaureate a few days before those in mainland France and overseas. Depending on the country, the tests differ because French high schools abroad are classified by group. The topics given to students from North America and Group 1 are not identical to those of other candidates.

Day 1: These are the topics given to candidates from North America and Group 1 for the first session of the SES test.

Day 2: These are the topics given to candidates from North America and Group 1 for the second session of the SES test.

Like every year, a few weeks before the start of the tests, several specialized sites offer predictions as to the subjects which will fall in June. This year is no exception. For this 2024 edition of the baccalaureate, the subjects considered likely this year are: “the sources and challenges of economic growth”, “the structure of current French society”, “the fight against unemployment”, “financial crises and the financial system”, “changes in work and employment” as well as “inequalities and social justice”. Conversely, several themes seem less likely, such as “international trade”, “the environment” and “political engagement in democratic societies”.

The real goal of this type of prediction is to guide students in their revisions, and to condition them with statements that they could find on the day of the test. It is unlikely that the subject matter of SES will correspond 100% to what these sites offer, but some themes may be more likely than others.

A priori, the results of the economic and social sciences specialty test will be available on July 8, 2024at the same time as the results of the other tests.
