Update is due in Destiny 2 today and the Guardians are already eagerly awaiting it. We have summarized all the times and most important information and tell you when the servers will go offline today, December 13th, on PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X, PC and Google Stadia and what will change.
Why is today’s patch so eagerly awaited? Last Friday, December 9th, Destiny 2 experienced a series of error codes shortly after starting the new dungeon Pillar of the Warden. These resulted in Guardians not being able to complete their first runs in the new activity because they kept getting kicked out of the game.
Bungie reacted to the difficulties quite quickly that same evening, but a quick solution to the problem could not be found. As Assistant Game Director Robbie Stevens said on Twitter, calls were made late into the night to isolate the problem.
The quickest solution to be able to guarantee the Guardians stable runs over the weekend was to disable Destiny 2’s entire API. Until you can provide a patch for the problem, which will be the case today in Update becomes.
As soon as the update starts today, we will keep you up to date with fresh information in this info box. You can therefore update this article again and again from 6 p.m.
The start of the new dungeon was not smooth due to the error codes.
API Shutdown Takes All Conveniences From Players: After 11 p.m. on Friday, due to the API deactivation, you could play the dungeon again without any problems, without the final boss being an error code. But due to the lack of the API, other abysses opened up.
All services related to Destiny 2 were disabled. This took the Guardians back to the olden days, when there were no practical online apps and you had to fly to the tower after each activity to swap your loadout individually and manually.
At least that’s how many Guardians realized how valuable the free third-party apps really are for convenient and smooth gameplay in Destiny 2. Even if Bungie will integrate its own loadout system into the game in the coming year, which will then be independent of the API.
Update aims to reactivate the API
So if you’re already longing for the old comforts back, we have good news. Bungie has announced the reactivation of the API for today’s update. So it won’t be long now.
We also offer you all information with the current and German times. So you can plan your gaming day better today and know exactly when you have to expect the server down and will be kicked out of activities.
All times for update at a glance:
Important: Even if you have loaded the potential update and are back in-game, you may still experience connection issues until the end of maintenance at 7:00 p.m. You may also have to expect queues when logging in.
Also, keep in mind that third-party applications and the official companion app, even after being reactivated, may still not work properly for a while after the downtime.
This will change with Update in Destiny 2
That brings the update even today: However, the update might not only include API reactivation. Bungie has also listed bugs that also disrupt the flow of the game and are therefore among the known issues. It’s not a complete list, but it’s a targeted one.
These are the known issues:
If you encounter any other issues in the game, it is recommended that you report them directly through the official Bungie Help forums to make the developers aware of them as well.
Patch notes for update from 13.12. in Destiny 2
What’s in the patch notes? Bungie publishes the comprehensive list of all changes to Hotfix in the form of patch notes. Traditionally, this happens fairly quickly after the servers have come back online.
As soon as Bungie has published the patch notes today, we will link them to you here.
Are you also one of the players who clearly felt the loss of the API? Then leave us a comment. Gladly even if you have noticed other errors in the game that you think other Guardians should be aware of.