Server failures are also inevitable in Destiny 2 so that technical difficulties can be solved. Thus, the Guardians can expect another planned server maintenance today, which is expected to include several important updates. MeinMMO informs you about the downtime and tells you how long you can’t gamble.
What you need to know today: Today, Thursday, March 30, 2023, the new hotfix will come into play and will therefore also contain an update for PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X and PC.
As a result, Destiny 2 players will not be able to access the game during the maintenance due to the servers having to go offline for a while. We will inform you how long this will be the case and, above all, what Bungie could actually bring to the game in terms of changes.
Today’s server outage has already been preceded by several background maintenances that allow Bungie to reduce the effective downtime during which you cannot gamble to a minimum.
17:30: Bungie’s servers are going offline in 15 minutes. When maintenance begins, all players will be brought back to the home screen and ongoing activities will be terminated.
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Maintenance on 30.03. – All times to the server down
These times are important today: As always, Bungie has shared the exact times via Twitter and is returning to the usual 15 minute downtime routine today. If everything is going well, you shouldn’t have any major restrictions on your gaming evening.
Here is the exact maintenance schedule:
Important: Even if you have downloaded the update and are back in-game, you may experience connection issues until the end of maintenance at 8:00 p.m. You may also have to expect queues when logging in.
Also, keep in mind that third-party applications and the official companion app may not be properly accessible for a while after the update. However, you can always use the in-game loadout system introduced with Lightfall.
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That brings the hotfix today: Bungie is continually working through the bug reports that have been reported since Lightfall launched. This also includes the bug of the pre-order item “Quicksilver Storm”, which, as announced by Bungie, should get its full power back today.
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MeinMMO lists issues that Bungie is already aware of, as well as those that our readers have brought to our attention. However, only the patch notes show what will be fixed.
Patch Notes for Hotfix in Destiny 2
What’s in the patch notes? Bungie publishes the comprehensive list of all changes to Hotfix in the form of patch notes. However, they only appear tonight.
As soon as they are published, we will link them in this article, as this may change later.
Here you will find the current patch notes from Bungie after the update. So come back to this article later when we’ve updated it for you.
If you have noticed other problems in the game that spoil your gaming experience, please leave a comment on MeinMMO. The more bugs are raised, the quicker they end up on Bungie’s to-do list.
During Destiny 2’s downtime, feel free to test your loot shooter expertise here:
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