Destiny 2 is getting a hotfix on the day of love. So players can go offline today, February 14th, for update on PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X, and PC. We will keep you up to date with all important information.
What you need to know today: Destiny 2 is currently preparing everything so that the start of the new DLC can go smoothly. There are still a few sticking points and so the routine hotfix is still pending today.
Mainly PvP issues are addressed here. However, there have also been a few broken challenges and quests that need fixing. MeinMMO tells you when you can’t gamble and which to-do list Bungie still has. As always, the necessary downtime for this will be very short.
If you might have to wait during the update, we recommend you take a look at the new destination of the upcoming DLC “Lightfalls”. String aphids and a kind of “Neo-Genesis-Zavala” await you in the metropolis:
Destiny 2: Lightfall – Trailer for new weapons and equipment
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Maintenance on 02/14 – All times and server down
These times are important today: Bungie’s update routine is short and sweet. So the effective downtime will only be 15 minutes today (via twitter). The announced schedule is as follows:
Important: Even if you have downloaded the update and are back in-game, you may experience connection issues until the end of maintenance at 7:00 p.m. You may also have to expect queues when logging in.
Also, keep in mind that third-party applications and the official companion app may not be properly accessible for a while after the update.
This changes with Hotfix in Season 19
That brings the hotfix today: Bungie has gone into low key mode a bit. A few errors will probably not be fixed until the start.
This includes a bug with immune objects in PvP that could cause barricades, stasis towers, void souls and glacial grenades, etc. to become indestructible. Bungie will no longer fix this in Season 19, but will only fix it for Lightfall Day 1. The message to players via twitter reads: “Do some destruction (in game). As a reward.”
MeinMMO lists other problems that Bungie is already aware of and also those that our readers have pointed out that could be fixed before Lightfall.
A handy support tip for your PvP experience: There is a bug where players who receive an exit penalty in the Competitive Division cannot rejoin the playlist after their penalty expires. This can be fixed by swapping characters and playing a different match in the playlist.
If you encounter any other issues with the game, it is recommended that you report them directly to the official Bungie Help forums to bring them to the attention of the developers. Alternatively, you can leave us a comment if you are aware of other bugs in the game.
Patch Notes for Hotfix in Destiny 2
What’s in the patch notes? Bungie publishes the comprehensive list of all changes to Hotfix in the form of patch notes.
MeinMMO will link you to the patch notes in this info box as soon as they are available and will update this article accordingly. So just check back later.
If you have noticed other problems in the game that spoil your gaming experience, please leave a comment.