Destiny 2 is scheduled for server downtime today. All guardians therefore have to be prepared for the fact that they won’t be able to gamble for a while tonight. MeinMMO keeps you up to date during downtime and says what Bungie has planned.
What you need to know today: Today, November 15, Destiny 2 not only ends “Telesto Week”. Server maintenance is also scheduled before the weekly reset.
Hotfix is in the starting blocks and that means you will be confronted with a downtime tonight, during which you cannot gamble.
As Bungie works on buggy Aethertank radio messages, MeinMMO will guide you through the update and update this article with fresh information. So you don’t miss anything.
5:40 p.m.: The Destiny 2 servers have just gone offline for the announced maintenance.
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Maintenance on 11/15 – All times and server down
For each update, Bungie announces downtimes when players cannot gamble. We offer you this information in our article with the German times. So you can plan your gaming evening in the best possible way.
All times at a glance:
Important: Even if you have downloaded the update and are back in-game, you may experience connection issues until the end of maintenance at 7:00 p.m. You may also have to expect queues when logging in.
Also, keep in mind that third-party applications and the official companion app may not be properly accessible for a while after the update.
This changes with Update in Season 18
With the start of Season 19 in early December, Destiny 2 will continue to improve the Guardian’s skills. Bungie doesn’t just mess with the gunslinger. The other classes are also getting changes towards more balance in the new DLC Lightfall.
Today’s Hotfix for Season 18, on the other hand, is unspectacular, because it probably only brings a small update online and thus fixes known problems in the game.
Current list of currently known issues:
Important note for Stadia users: Destiny 2 players whose main characters were created on Stadia should cross-save on another platform to avoid losing access to their characters after Stadia shuts down on January 18, 2023.
If you encounter any other issues in the game, it is recommended that you report them directly through the official Bungie Help forums to make the developers aware of them as well.
Patch Notes for Hotfix in Destiny 2
What’s in the patch notes? Bungie publishes the comprehensive list of all changes to Hotfix in the form of patch notes. Traditionally, this happens fairly quickly after the servers have come back online.
Here we will link you to the patch notes as soon as they are published after the update.
Did you notice any other construction sites or problems in the game? Then leave us a comment here on MeinMMO.