Serious crime is being investigated – large roadblocks

Serious crime is being investigated large roadblocks

Updated 14.47 | Published 14.39

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THE SAND BAY. The police are investigating a serious crime in Sandviken.

A large area of ​​the forest has been cordoned off.

– I heard three shots early this morning. It feels really unpleasant, says a neighbor.

At the end of October last year, a 16-year-old boy was shot dead on a forest road in Sandviken.

Now the same place has been blocked off again.

Several residents in the area say they heard several loud shots early in the morning.

– I first heard one shot, then two more. It sounded like gunfire, says one woman.

She shivers and wraps her arms around herself.

– Imagine if you had gone out with the dog this morning, wonder what you would have seen then. It feels uncomfortable.

full screen There are large cordons at the site. Photo: Andreas Bardell

“Echoed over the trees”

Another neighbor testifies that she heard the same noise.

– It rained like hell this morning. The shots just echoed over the trees.

The woman says she has lived in the area for a long time and knows about the fatal shooting last year, which happened just a short distance from her home.

– It feels very uncomfortable. It has always been so peaceful in Sandviken, but after this you start to wonder if it really is, she says.

Serious crime is being investigated

The alarm about the incident came in to the police at 06.30.

In the residential area near the forest, police cars drive slowly around this afternoon.

The police have not yet disclosed what type of crime is being investigated in the forest area. But the cordon extends far through the forest.

A smaller area, within the cordon, has also been cordoned off.

– We are investigating a serious crime. I can’t say more at the moment, says Pelle Vamstad, press spokesperson in police region Mitt.

Within the barrier, next to the cycle path, are flowers and lighted candles. There, the 16-year-old boy was shot dead last year. Barely a hundred meters away is the inner barrier, where the morning’s crime took place.
