Serious crime in Eskilstuna – several injured

Two youth gangs have gotten into a fight at a sports facility in Eskilstuna, according to information from TV4 Nyheterna.
Several school students have been taken to hospital with knife injuries.
– The students have been on an outdoor day here at the arena, says Mattias Albers, area manager for Arenas and outdoor activities in Eskilstuna.

The police were alerted at 12.45 about a serious crime in Eskilstuna. According to information to TV4 Nyheterna, two youth gangs have ended up in a knife fight in connection with Munktellarenan.

– It is true that there is a suspected serious crime in Eskilstuna, said Dennis Strömberg Johansson shortly after the alarm.

Several 15-year-old school students were injured in the incident, and the police confirmed at 2 p.m. that there are a total of four plaintiffs. According to TV4 Nyheter’s information, three of them must have been stabbed in the upper body.

No one has been arrested in the case, but the crime classification is attempted murder.

The headmaster: “We know very little”

TV4 Nyheterna has been in contact with the students’ principal, who can confirm that something happened, but does not want to specify more than that.

– We know very little at the moment, she says.

Early on it was stated that the violent crime occurred at the school, later it emerged that it happened at the nearby arena where the students were.

– It is the school’s students who are in another place.

The students had outdoor day

Mattias Albers, area manager for Arenas and outdoor activities in Eskilstuna, describes the atmosphere at the site as “temporarily calm” at 2 p.m.

– The students have been on outdoor day here at the arena, says Mattias Albers.

The arena’s employees have currently closed off the area, but Albers cannot confirm whether the crime took place on or in connection with the arena.

– The police secure traces at the scene, he says.
