Series: "Zero Day" On Netflix, divine flavor of the deja vu

Series quotZero Dayquot On Netflix divine flavor of the deja

In contrast to What The Fuck Moviesunpredictable and crazy as we like them, That’s it seriesconventional and moral that we also like, like this last Netflix blockbuster Zero DayNew intrigue at the White House with a unbreakable cast: Robert de Niro as a retired president, Jesse Plemons (interpretation prize in Cannes last year for Kinds of Kindness) as a faithful secretary, Angela Bassett (Tina Turner in Tina) is the president in office. Do you find it original, a black president at the White House? Calm down: this is only the twelfth in the history of Hollywood. This one is on the wrong side (it cannot last) being manipulated by Matthew Modine, who would see himself succeeding him.

Educational value of this mini-series of six episodes? “Zero Day” means: “Computer vulnerability that has not been the subject of any publication or having no known corrective. The existence of such a flaw on a computer product implies that no protection exists, whether palliative or permanent.” (Thank you Wiki). Five seconds before the attack, all American citizens receive on their laptop: “it will reproduce”. No time to wonder what it is still this bullshit (Bullshit), And as in response to the insult, transport, hospitals, scholarships and banks stop net for ten seconds. Provisional assessment of cybernetic chaos: 3,700 dead. Blockbuster is an expression created by English bombers at the end of the 40 war that could be translated as “pulverized housing block”.

You have to find and destroy these hackers. Now!

It is in this atmosphere of panic that we recall from Niro at the helm. His big popularity rating should at least be used to calm the crowds.

Small problem, Bobby has holes in the brain. He no longer recognizes his butler, he forgets the code of his safe, he hears at times of music which does not exist … and he takes a taste for this result of full powers. If it makes you think of Biden: won! But if you find it topical, know that it only makes the Hollywood list of the 27 presidents with one form or another of cerebral degeneration. When the commonplaces make us enjoy, why deprive it?

Charming detail

Not new either the double suspense stroke: find the insurrectional hackers while the type loaded with work loses the ball. He is helped by Jesse Plemons which of Niro does not know that he is the lover of his daughter, who does not know that his lover is the victim of a blackmail which forces him to betray his Boss de Beadère. But how far? “In these extreme moments, explains a quidam, there are those who seek to get us from shit and those who seek to enjoy shit.”

If it is not the Russians, it is their paranoia who will have inspired the hackers who have the cellars of a Bronx warehouse. Charming detail: to deceive the vigilance of the Pentagon, they communicate in coded language through old CB (Citizen-Band); I forgot the word so vintage.

Last enigma, after I let you go watch the last episode: at the very beginning of the series, a young editor visits De Niro to talk about the publication of his memories. On the road, she receives the famous message “It will happen again”, barely time to wonder what will happen that her cell phone dies out and Bing, a 10-Tonne in computer distress passes to her. The car sets fire, the editor is charred … In principle, because of Niro saw it three days later in the middle of the crowd who came to cheer him on. And when he asks Jesse to check if she died: no corpse to the morgue. It could continue endlessly. I would prefer to know that this scenario is the work of an AI aware of itself and that a human would not be capable of producing such a concentration of distracting clichés.
