Sergei Shoigu reappears after two weeks of media absence

Sergei Shoigu reappears after two weeks of media absence

His absence from the media space for two weeks ended up raising questions. Very close to President Vladimir Putin, Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu has just reappeared on Russian screens.

With our correspondent in Moscow, Anissa El Jabri

He is a close friend of Vladimir Putin. It is with him that the Russian president spends his holidays hunting, fishing and hiking in Siberia. Photos of the two men in nature are all over Russia. The closeness between them is such that at the last Kremlin press conference, in December 2021, a Russian journalist had asked the president in substance “ but why don’t you go on leave with other members of your government? »

Vladimir Putin then explained that he absolutely and equally trusted all those he had appointed. Still, the absence of his Minister of Defense had questioned a lot, to the point that the Kremlin spokesman, Dimitri Peskov answered this Thursday, March 24 in the morning.

The Minister of Defense has a lot to do at the momenthe said. A special military operation is underway. This is not the time for media activity. »

Sergei Shoigu may not be going to participate regularly again in state television programs immediately, but to finish stifling rumors of health problems for this key ally of the president, some images were made public this Thursday. Vladimir Putin is shown in video conference with his government and his Minister of Defense, all at his task.
