Serbian armed forces placed on highest alert – relations with neighboring Kosovo strained even more

Serbian armed forces placed on highest alert relations with

Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic said last week that Serbia and Kosovo are “on the brink of armed conflict.”

The forces of the Serbian armed forces have been placed on the highest alert, the country’s defense minister said Milos Vucevic late Monday night.

– President of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic has ordered the armed forces to the highest possible combat readiness, Vucevic said in a statement.

Defense Minister Vucevic emphasized that Serbia’s relations with neighboring Kosovo have become strained due to recent shootings and roadblocks.

In addition, the strength of the armed forces’ special forces has been ordered to be increased from 1,500 to 5,000, says Defense Minister Vucevic.

Minister of the Interior of Serbia Bratislav Gasic said that all units of the police and other security forces have been placed under the command of the Armed Forces Commander.

Shootings in the area have increased

President Vucic sent the commander of the armed forces Milan Mojsilovic To the Kosovo border on Sunday evening. According to the Kfor peacekeeping forces led by the military alliance NATO, shots had been heard near the border that evening.

Relations between the two countries have become strained due to the recent protests. On December 10, hundreds of ethnic Serbs set up roadblocks in Serb-held northern Kosovo, halting traffic at two border crossings.

After the roadblocks started, shootings have also increased in the area.

Prime Minister of Serbia Ana Brnabic said last week that the situation with Kosovo is “on the brink of armed conflict”.

Kosovo declared independence from Serbia in 2008, but Serbia has refused to recognize the country’s independence. It has encouraged the 120,000-strong Serb minority in Kosovo to oppose the country’s rule.

More on the topic:

Researcher: War is not about to start in Kosovo, despite the unrest of the last few days – “I would take this somewhat calmly” (1.8.)

Unrest on the border between Kosovo and Serbia – gunmen fired at the police (1.8.)
