Seppo Räty said that he hates Oliver Helander’s style – a nice reminder from the Finnish star Sport

Seppo Raty said that he hates Oliver Helanders style

Oliver Helander is looking for a top throw at the Lahti GP. He has had sensations in his lower back.

Joel Sippola,

Petra Manner

will follow the Lahti GP race moment by moment on its website on Friday, the race will also be seen in Areena and on TV2.

Spear legend Seppo Räty is known for his frustration with the throwing style of the current Finnish elites. For example Tero Pitkämäki during his own career was often caught in the grips of a demanding world champion.

Although Pitkämäki won the world championship and seven prestigious medals during his career, Räty could not understand Pitkämäki’s throwing at the end of his throwing performance.

Pitkämäki’s current trainee and Finland’s number one thrower at the moment Oliver Helander has adopted a similar habit. When he beat his record of 89.83 two years ago, Evening News asked Rädy for his opinion on Helander’s trademark.

– I still don’t understand this fall. It doesn’t make any sense. It can’t bring more meters, Räty wondered.

Helander himself strives to keep himself upright when the tool comes off his hand. However, that is not the real goal in the Lahti GP race on Friday.

– Let’s try to throw technically good performances, whether I stay upright or not.

Helander reminds us that staying upright is not a guarantee of a real top result.

– The posture is better maintained at the end of the throw if you stay upright. On the other hand, it requires a little more space after the throw. If you rush after the throw, it’s easier to stay behind the line, says Helander.

Sensations in the lower back

There are big expectations for Oliver Helander this season. Even the best training season of his career is behind him. Above all, he has stayed better healthy, which is certainly not a given in Helander’s case.

In April, Pitkämäki stated to Urheilu that the European Championships in Rome have not been given much thought, as all the focus is on the Olympic Games in Paris. It speaks of strong faith in one’s own process.

A couple of weeks ago in the Doha Diamond League, Helander opened his season with a throw of 83.99.

– The result was ok, nothing super, but not bad either. It’s good to start improving.

After the opening of the season, Helander had sensations in his lower back. He can’t say why.

– Sometimes you feel it when throwing. We’ll see if those feelings are gone or not. I believe the man is fine though.

Confident comment

Last summer, at the same stadium in Lahti, Helander became the Finnish champion with an arc of a good 85 meters. He is looking for at least the same in Lahti today as well.

– I’m going to throw further than in Doha. Yes, you have to throw over 85 meters if you can get the technique right. It requires such basic good work, Helander estimates.

In Lahti, Helander will face opposition from the one who threw his record of 82.37 over the weekend Teemu from Narvis as well as the season opener Toni from Kuusela.

27-year-old Helander gives a confident comment about his condition.

– I throw pretty badly if I don’t win.

Screen slot in Kuusela

Kuusela may defend his sixth place from two years ago at the European Championship held in Rome in two weeks. In particular, it might, because apart from Oliver Helander, the other two spearmen have not yet been named.

Several Finnish throwers are looking for competition tickets again this year. The Lahti race can dictate a lot in terms of European Championship places.

– Now there is a place for the screen. The boys have toured the competitions and given their own displays. Some know how to even go abroad to throw. Now you have to show your own throwing ability, Kuusela reflects.

Toni Kuusela’s starting point for the important value competition summer is not the best. He had surgery on his ankle after last season. In January, he had biceps surgery.

Although there have been few throwing practices, Kuusela is not worried about the opening of the season.

– There have been quite a few of them, but on the other hand, they have been made for quite a few years. I believe that competing serves much better than training, Kuusela is confident.
