separatists confirm negotiating withdrawal, amnesty and aid

separatists confirm negotiating withdrawal amnesty and aid

More than 24 hours after a first bilateral negotiation meeting between the two stakeholders in the latest conflicts in Nagorno-Karabakh, Thursday September 21, information confirms the concrete discussion points between Baku and Yerevan. If no document followed, everyone affirmed that the negotiations were moving towards the reintegration within Azerbaijan of Nagorno-Karabakh, a separatist region populated by Armenians. Baku announced that a new meeting would take place “ as quickly as possible “.

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With our special correspondent in Yerevan, Régis Genté

THE files are not missing, each more delicate than the last. Firstly that of the disarmament of the Karabakh defense forces: on Friday, the separatist authorities announced that they were negotiating the withdrawal of their troops. “ Negotiations are underway (…) under the auspices of Russian peacekeepers », They clarified.

The question is discussed under Azerbaijani military pressure : their armed forces would surround the capital of Nagorno-Karabakh, Stepanakert – called Khankendi by the Azerbaijanis.

Then comes the question of amnesty for Karabakh fighters: for the first time, Baku says it is considering it for those who lay down their arms, which is new and very important.

There is also the entry and exit problem from their region of Karabakhtsis, called to become Azerbaijani citizens. Currently, the region’s 120,000 residents are very afraid of being killed or mistreated by Azerbaijani soldiers, they say. They are also very weakened after nine months of an almost total blockade.

The question of humanitarian aid therefore arises: Baku promised this Friday the imminent delivery of 40 tonnes of food and medicine, which remains to be confirmed.

Read alsoCrisis in Nagorno-Karabakh: the fear of Armenians in Stepanakert and anger in Yerevan
