SEO, a non-intrusive marketing strategy

SEO a non intrusive marketing strategy

Thought over the long term and not as a commercial sprint (unlike other advertising strategies), natural referencing is one of the means that allows a company or a brand to stand out from the others.

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What takes precedence with SEO is the informational discourse and not the promotional one. Ultimately, this will have a much stronger psychological impact and improve the relationship of trust or even the buying process depending on the nature of the site.

One of the pillars of Inbound Marketing

At a time when we sometimes feel overwhelmed by advertisements from all sides, there is a marketing strategy that stands out for its softer approach: “inbound marketing”.

Unlike other more offensive tactics (like popup ads, emails or display ads to name just three), inbound marketing focuses on user needs. To schematize this concept: it is a question of attracting Internet users to a product and not of presenting the product without the user having requested anything.

The goal? Offering a different browsing experience, in particular by offering high value-added content that will meet the needs of Internet users, advising them to solve specific problems by means of tutorials or even helping them find the best products by offering comparative articles are some of these. examples.

And the resources can be numerous! There are the blogging obviously but white papers, case studies, videos or infographics are also various ways to offer content while generating “leads”. The leads? These are prospects or contacts. The idea here is to establish a bond of trust between you and your visitors in order to gradually attract them (and at their own pace) in a conversion process to buy your services, your products, your expertise…

A strategy that focuses on user needs

Unlike other advertising formats that focus more on socio-demographic data to reach a fairly large target, natural referencing focuses all its efforts on the conscious or unconscious needs of Internet users.

There are also four major families of research and each of them corresponds to a specific intention: informational, navigational, commercial and transactional research. To stay within the theme of the day, we are going to take the example of the search for a SEO consultant to explain the subtleties between these different types of queries.

  • What is SEO for? is an example of informational research because without having a very precise idea of ​​the object of their request, Internet users are looking for information.
  • For navigational search, let’s assume that users have a little clearer idea of ​​what to expect from the results pages with keywords like “Freelance SEO.”
  • Commercial research, on the other hand, refines the final need a little more. With a search such as ” What is the role of an SEO consultant? », visitors are able to formulate their needs with more detailed information.
  • Finally, for the last search category, we can say that the conversion action is already underway. A request like ” SEO consultant quote implies that the Internet user knows exactly what he is looking for.

The textual content written in an SEO approach must therefore be of quality, optimized and meet the informational needs according to the discourse you want to communicate while being differentiating. It then becomes essential to look for and use keywords specifically appropriate to these different stages of research to optimize your chances of conversion!

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