Sentenced to death Swede gets sentence reduced

One of the four Swedes sentenced to death in Iraq has his sentence reduced to eleven years in prison, according to information given to TV4 Nyheterna.
According to the information, it is the person who has been sentenced to death for drug offenses who has his sentence reduced.

It was at the beginning of July that the Foreign Ministry received information that a Swede had been arrested and sentenced to death in Iraq.

The person arrested and convicted is a 35-year-old man from Western Sweden. He is also an Iraqi citizen, and it was during a holiday in Iraq last December that the man’s family in Sweden lost contact with him.

– We first thought that he had been murdered or kidnapped in view of the troubled situation in the country, the man’s brother previously told TV4 Nyheterna.

Since then, the man has been imprisoned on suspicion of drug offences, and in early June he was sentenced to death by hanging.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs cannot confirm

TV4 Nyheterna has contacted the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which cannot yet confirm the information that the man has received a reduced sentence.

In June, three other Swedish citizens were sentenced to death for murdering the high-ranking leader of the Foxtrot network, Mustafa “Benzema” Aljiburi, according to media reports. The Foreign Ministry has only confirmed two of the cases.

It was at the beginning of January this year that the leader of the gang, Aljibuburi, was shot dead in a car in Baghdad.
