Sentenced for a large number of rapes on stepdaughter

Sentenced for a large number of rapes on stepdaughter

Published: Just now

full screen Skellefteå district court sentences the man to six years in prison. Archive image. Photo: Henrik Montgomery/TT

A man in his 40s is sentenced to six years in prison by the Skellefteå district court for having raped his underage stepdaughter for more than two years, reports SVT Nyheter Västerbotten.

It is unknown exactly how many rapes the man allegedly subjected his stepdaughter to. Several of the charges relate to “an unknown number” of rapes.

– It is about at least fifty abuses, says prosecutor Irene Falk.

The crimes must have been committed between 2019 and 2021. In addition to rape against children, the man is convicted of, among other things, child pornography crimes and exploitation of children for sexual posing. The man has admitted a small part of the charges, but also claims that there was consent on certain occasions.

The man must also pay SEK 480,000 in damages to the woman, who is now over 18 years old.
