Sent letter to 57 OIC countries

Tobias Billström says in one statement on Monday that he held talks and sent letters to all countries in the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, OIC.

There he has explained how the Swedish freedom of demonstration works, and that it is in fact the Police Authority that makes decisions about public gatherings.

Billström also says that he told them that the Ministry of Justice is doing an analysis of the legal situation, including the Public Order Act. This after the Court of Appeal decided that the Police’s denial of permission did not comply with the law.

“Very clear in his dissociation”

At the same time that Billström “explained” how Swedish freedom of demonstration works, he also writes that the government “is very clear in its distance from the Islamophobic actions carried out by individuals at demonstrations in Sweden”.

On Monday, the OIC is holding a conference with the 57 member countries to discuss the recent corona measures in Sweden and Denmark. The organization has demanded that Sweden and Denmark criminalize desecration of the Koran.

New Koran burning on Monday

On Monday, a new Koran burning took place at Mynttorget in central Stockholm.

– We say no to the Koran, yes to freedom of expression and Swedish democracy, says Salwan Najem, who carried out the campaign together with Salwan Momika.
