Sent home from BB – after just six hours

Sent home from BB after just six hours

Updated 20.54 | Published 20.39




fullscreen Doctors suspect that Juni has a serious intestinal disease. Photo: Reader image

First, the parents were denied a night at BB.

Then they got no help when the baby got sick.

– She stopped eating, she stopped being awake, she stopped breastfeeding, says father Jonas.

  • A family from Stockholm talks about the lack of care after they were denied admission to the hospital even though the mother had started labor.
  • The parents were first referred to BB in Västerås, whereupon they contacted BB Stockholm. There they were scolded and finally had to enter Danderyd hospital. There they were asked to go home just a few hours after birth.
  • The child, June, then showed signs of declining health, and doctors now suspect she is suffering from medical complications. Danderyd Hospital has not commented on the specific case.
  • ⓘ The summary is made with the support of AI tools from OpenAI and quality assured by Aftonbladet. Read our AI policy here.

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    Jonas’s wife Charlotte has been in labor and her water has broken – their third child is about to be born. They rush to Danderyd hospital for the birth. But it won’t be as easy as they had hoped.

    – When we arrived, they refused to receive us at all, says Jonas.

    They are told that it is “full all over Stockholm”. The expectant parents are instead referred to the delivery in Västerås, a car journey that takes an hour.

    – It’s not possible, we don’t have time, we said. We have to check in. So we registered at BB Stockholm, which is next door, and got a check-up there.

    It is in a hurry, the control shows. The child must be born now. But BB Stockholm scolds the parents and says they should go to Danderyd hospital. Luckily, Danderyd then has room for Charlotte and Jonas. They hurry back and in the end daughter Juni is born.

    But just a few hours after birth, the parents are sent home.

    Sent home – without control

    Just after the birth, the health care staff say that the parents “are ready to go home”, says Jonas.

    – “What, home later today?” we said. Then they told us that since we already have two children, we want to send you home. It was normal, according to them.

    The parents didn’t think it felt good. It would have felt better if they were allowed to stay longer. In addition, they have been awake all night, without either Charlotte or daughter Juni being examined by a doctor, according to the family.

    – Juni hadn’t started peeing or pooing, which you usually check before, says Jonas.

    But they end up being sent home anyway.


    full screen It would take several hours after birth until the parents were reunited with their baby. Photo: Reader image

    “You don’t have to come here”

    It would take a full day until there are any checks.

    But she still hadn’t started pooing. It caused concern among the parents, who decide to call BB back. Two days have now passed since the child was born.

    – Then they said it’s okay, 48 hours is okay, says Jonas.

    But after the conversation, Juni seems to be getting worse.

    – She stopped eating, she stopped being awake, she stopped breastfeeding. The people at BB told us to apply olive oil and try to massage the stomach.

    It didn’t help. And the baby also started vomiting. The parents then decide to go to the emergency room.

    The baby remains in the emergency room

    When Aftonbladet reaches the family, Juni is still in the emergency room – several weeks after birth. The surgeon suspects Hirschsprung’s disease, which means there is a lack of nerve cells in the intestine. In addition, the intestines seem to be loose. Doctors are now taking samples to see exactly what it is, but a definitive answer will take a few weeks.

    Jonas describes the whole incident as traumatic for the family.

    – Charlotte can’t stop thinking about what would have happened if we hadn’t gone to the emergency room.

    Danderyd’s hospital press service writes in an email that they are not aware of the specific case.

    “However, in general, the principle applies that we cannot comment on specific matters with regard to patient confidentiality. If a patient has views on the care, we are happy for views and complaints to come to us.”

    Footnote: In an earlier version of the text it was stated that the parents had to leave BB without their daughter. That’s not true, they went home together.
