Send in your antiques to Knut Knutson

Send in your antiques to Knut Knutson

Published: Less than 30 min ago

full screen Knut Knutson, antiques expert. Photo: MARCUS ERICSON

Do you have something at home that you suspect is a real treasure?

Send in a picture to Knut Knutson, chief curator at Uppsala Auction Chamber, and you can get the chance that he will value it. The chat starts at 1 p.m.

Do this:

1) Add a picture of your item. Send only one image.

2) Write briefly about your object and the provenance, i.e. the history of the object.

3) Don’t forget to add if the item has stamps, if so what stamp it is, or if it has scratches.

today at 12.02 Fanny Westling

Hello all you antique enthusiasts!

At 1 p.m., Knut Knutson, chief inspector at Uppsala Auction Chamber, will get started and chat here with you.

He describes himself as a generalist when it comes to values, but is best at furniture, bronzes, glass and porcelain.

He says his weaknesses are carpets, guns, Smurfs, Moomin cups toys like Smurf collections and dolls.

Remember to only send one picture per post, write about the provenance and also there are stamps, what kind of stamp it is or other things that can increase the value.

Knut has a lot to do today – but he has promised to answer as many values ​​as he has time!
