Since Emmanuel Macron came to power, the Senate has benefited from renewed visibility and is fully playing its role as an institutional counter-power. But the senatorial elections are discreet elections. Less publicized, because they are indirect, they nevertheless have a strong political stake. 78,000 electors, mainly municipal councilors, are invited to choose who will fill the 170 vacant seats out of the 348 in the Palais du Luxembourg.
The strength of the right lies in its local roots in small and medium-sized towns in France.
Senatorial elections: elections that are above all symbolic for the parties
© / The Express
The voting method, a mix of proportional voting and majority voting in two rounds by electors, tends to promote a certain stability of the chamber, little sensitive to political changes.
The vote could, however, mark the return of the National Rally to the Senate benches. The party of Jordan Bardella and Marine Le Pen can hope to obtain 5 to 10 seats thanks to town halls like Perpignan (Pyrénées-Orientales), Hayange (Moselle) or Hénin-Beaumont (Pas-de-Calais).