Selling nude photos – to raise money for the Ukrainian army

Teronlyfans is an amalgamation of the name of the controversial site “Onlyfans” and the English “territorial defense”. Anyone who wants a photo of one of the girls or boys in the group donates money to a fund.

The money is used to support Ukraine in the war and goes, among other things, to the army, the National Bank and organizations that help internally displaced persons. Since March, Teronlyfans has collected the equivalent of SEK 10 million.

Anasasia Kuchmenko is the founder of the platform and she and her volunteers are both praised and criticized for what they do.

– We constantly receive criticism from feminist groups. They think we sell women’s bodies. But we like our bodies and love to show them off, she says.

In the video, SVT’s team meets Teronlyfans and Sasha Lychovyd, who sell photos to raise money.
