In Starfield you can randomly find contraband as you travel. Although these precious suitcases yield a bunch of credits, they are harder to get rid of. We’ll show you a safe way to sell your contraband.
What is Contraband? In Starfield you can randomly find contraband almost everywhere in bases, planets and alien spaceships. These are well-hidden, colorful suitcases that contain “forbidden” items and are very valuable. You can sell these suitcases for many credits at some merchants.
There is still one problem and that is the guards of the respective system. If available, they will scan your ship and cargo hold for contraband. If they catch you without appropriate protection, they will arrest you and face penalties.
So that you don’t have to subject yourself to these hardships, we have selected a dealer for you without annoying guards and scans.
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This way you can sell your contraband without any problems
Where can I sell my contraband? To sell your contraband, head to the Wolf System, east of the Sol System.
In this system you will find a red sun, two planets, a moon and a space station. You are now moving close to the “Chthonia” planet, because there is a space station whizzing in the orbit of the celestial body.
Now fly to the space station “Der Bau” and dock. Once docked, walk straight ahead and keep left until you see a shop labeled “Trade Authority”. There you can sell your goods for quick credits without any problems.
You can also visit other Trade Authorities in systems, but note that you may be scanned upon approach. In this case, it’s worth being a member of the Crimson Fleet. If you are a member, you can visit the Kryx system and equip your ship there with jammers and secure cargo holds.
Please note that even with jammers, you only increase your chance of not getting caught. Therefore, always save your score before approaching a system.
If you have a lot of contraband goods but your dealer is bankrupt, there is a way to replenish his credits.
This is how your dealer gets his money back: If you sell too much, your dealer will go bankrupt and will no longer have any credits that he can offer you in exchange for your goods. In this case you can wait 24-48 hours with your character. Sit down somewhere or lie down in a bed and fast forward time.
After this time, the credits will be filled up again at the dealer, which you can then get in exchange for your goods.
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