Seinäjoki defeated Joensuu in the women’s Superpesis | Sports in a nutshell

Seinajoki defeated Joensuu in the womens Superpesis Sports in

The top names in the batting statistics, Aino-Kaisa Mantere and Maria Kaakinen, were in high spirits.

In the only match of the women’s Superpesis day, Seinäjoki’s Maila-Jussit defeated Joensuu’s Maila 1–0 (4–1, 4–4).

Second in batting statistics Maria Kaakinen hit JoMa for five runs, but they weren’t enough for the win. The top name in batting statistics Aino-Kaisa Mantere on the other hand, scored four runs in the match for Seinäjoki.

The win was Seinäjoki’s fourth in a row. It is third in the series, Joensuu is sixth.
