“Sees less and less benefit”

The expert council NNR, Nordic nutritional recommendations, is expected to come up with new guidelines for how much alcohol you can drink – without exposing your body to a risky use.
Among other things, it has been seen that there is not that great a difference between the sexes, and the recommendations for breastfeeding are expected to be updated.
– We think they will lower the limit for so-called risky use because you see less and less benefit from alcohol, says Marcus Olausson, doctor.

Today, the recommendations say that men who drink 14 units a week are putting their bodies at risk. For women, the corresponding number is nine. But according to doctor Marcus Olausson, that will change when the NNR presents its new recommendations.

– I think it will go in the direction of Denmark, where you have the same for men and women. Studies have shown that there is no huge difference between women and men, so I would think that this should be changed to 10 units per week for both women and men and a maximum of four per occasion, he says.

Marcus Olausson has read the background material that forms the basis of the new recommendations and also read the report that is now out for consultation.

Modification for breastfeeding

The issue of alcohol intake for those who are breastfeeding has been hotly debated lately. Olausson believes that the new recommendations will mean a tightening for those who are breastfeeding.

– Previously in Sweden, it has been said that there is no risk in breastfeeding women drinking one to two glasses of wine, one to two times a week. But in new recommendations, it is stated that pregnant women and breastfeeding women should simply stay away from alcohol. Although it has not been seen that a glass of wine sometimes causes any harm, he says and continues:

– At the same time, I would like to say that there are no advantages to consuming alcohol for this group.

The new recommendations are expected to be presented during the next week.
